Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Exile by Diana Gabaldon

For years I've watched Diana Gabaldon's books leave the library and always wondered what all the fuss was about.  So I was delighted when this book came out so that I could get a little taste for The Outlander series without committing myself to thousands of pages (per book).  From what I understand this graphic novel tells Jamie's (I had no idea who that was) side of the story.  The plot was interesting and not at all what I had thought it was based solely on looking at the covers all these years.  Basically, a woman named Claire living in the World War II era somehow time slips into 18th C. Scotland where she meets attractive, Scottish warrior Jamie.

Claire is not, however, the main character in this story.  In fact, based on number of appearances alone, there seem to be two heroines in this piece - and they were constantly falling out of Claire's dress as it seemed to be in a perpetual state of getting ripped off her by strange men, torn in clumsy falls or pushed up by some unnatural force that disobeyed all laws of gravity.  So yeah . . . I'm glad I know more about the general plot of the Outlander books, but I have to admit I'm not real keen to ken them better.  If anyone has read the actual books and wishes to disagree with me, I'd love a second opinion.


  1. "Outlander" being the first book in the series, was worth reading. The characters were strong and the story-line was fascinating. I barely made it through "Dragonfly in Amber". The next book, "Voyager" I closed a third of the way through. I lost interest in the story-line as the books progressed through history. The characters became "watered-down" and the story-line seemed to shift to lessons about historical events. If you have a strong interest in Historical Wars . . . you'll love the series ~ as it covers major Scottish, French and American Wars.

  2. Seems like the more I hear about this series the less I need to read it. Thank you for adding your comments! I'm glad there was finally a book that I had read that you had some experience with also!
